Order of Eastern Star

Bartlett OK Houck #216

Stated Meeting – 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Special Meetings – (as called) – 3rd Monday at 7:30 p.m.
Is the largest fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. Only men who are Masons are eligible, and only women with specific affiliation may be members.
Those desiring membership must petition to do so. Petitions are carefully read, eligibility investigated and election to membership must be unanimous vote. The Order strives to select persons of mental, moral and spiritual quality who will work together in harmony to perform its objectives.
Dr. Rob Morris, the poet laureate of Masonry, founded this order using beautiful and inspiring biblical examples of heroic conduct and moral values. These portray the noble principles which should adorn the personal lives of Eastern Star Memphis. Eastern Star strives to take good people and through uplifting and elevating associations of love and service, and through precept and example, to build an order which is truly dedicated to Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness.
The heart of Eastern Star is in subordinate or local Chapter. For proper administration these Chapters join to form a larger Province or State organization, a Grand Chapter. To facilitate uniformity and coordination of effort, these jurisdictions work together under a General Grand Chapter. In those cases where there are too few Chapters to form a Grand Chapter. The General Grand Chapter has jurisdiction over these subordinate Chapters. There are approximately 6,130 chapters including the overseas Chapters with an approximate membership of 708,777 which serves this order. The membership encompasses seventeen countries which have active Chapters and others have expressed interest in becoming associated with the beneficial work of the Order.
The awe-inspiring International Eastern Star Headquarters, located at 1918 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009-2549, is the headquarters for all the Chapters and Grand Chapters throughout the Eastern Star Work. A contribution of five (5.00) dollars per member to each member helps the maintenance of the Temple. Many sources of information and supplies are available from the office of the Right worthy Grand Secretary.
MEMBERSHIP – Eligibility for the Degrees
Affiliated Master Masons in good standing, the wives, daughters, legally adopted daughters, mothers, widows, sisters, half-sisters, granddaughters, stepmothers, stepdaughters, stepsisters, daughters-in-law, grandmothers, great-granddaughters, nieces, great-nieces, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, daughters of sisters or brothers of affiliated Master Masons in good standing, or deceased were in good standing at the time of their death, as well as members – either active for three(3) years or majority – of International Order of Rainbow for Girls or International Order of Job’s Daughters, each of whom having attained the age of eighteen (18) years, are eligible to membership in the Order of the Eastern Star.
Eastern Star is a social order comprises of persons with deep religious convictions and spiritual values, but is not a religion. Its appeal rests in the true beauty of the refreshing and character-building lessons that are so sincerely portrayed in its ritualistic work. A deep fraternal bond exists between its members. It is the wholesome relationship of brotherly and sisterly love brought about through high principles exemplified in our daily lives which makes us near and dear to each other.
While this is an Order composed of people of deep spiritual convictions it is open to all faiths except no faiths. The personal welfare of our members is vital to all Stars and it is considered a privilege to help one whenever we can. It is a social of members with sincere and purposeful objectives.
Concrete evidence of the charitable nature of the organization as it affects others is the millions of dollars which have been raised within the membership to support ESTARL (Eastern Start Training Awards for Religious Leadership), Cancer Research Project, Arthritis Fund, Heart Fund, Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Shriner’s Hospital for Children, Orphanages, and many other Charities within each Grand Jurisdiction. Many Grand Jurisdictions have Homes for their senior members.
The International Peace Garden is located on the boundary between North Dakota and Manitoba, Canada. The members of the Order of the Eastern Star donated a lovely Chapel to the Peace Garden and provide for it though Maintenance Fund.
Easter Star gives support to young people who are members of Rainbow for Girls, Job’s Daughters, and the Order of DeMolay. These fine young people who are training themselves to be leaders are likely prospects to become valued Eastern Start. The Order of the Eastern Star and the Masonic fraternity are highly rewarded by their support of an interest in these youth organizations.
The members of the Order of the Eastern Star are dedicated women and men who are sincerely reflect the spirit of fraternal love and the desire to work together for good. It gives them the opportunity to give a part of their time to many projects that benefit mankind.
The Eastern Star Chapter meetings are interesting and important. We need the energies of our members to increase the membership of our Order.
We are proud of our Order’s heritage. Thousands of our members have contributed their time, energy and wisdom in unselfish service to our Order and for the good of the world. It is through this fraternal service to humanity that together we build a better life for all.

Worthy Matron, Sharon Mixon, (901) 413-8551
Email: sharon.mixon@gmail.com
Worthy Patron,Charlie Mixon, (901) 496-1657
Email: charliemixon@gmail.com
Nancy Ligon, Secretary – (901) 756-4428