
Bartlett Lodge #211 Officers
Worshipful Master

The jewel of his office is the Square, an emblem of morality and virtue.
The Worshipful Master manages the affairs of the Lodge to assure programs are carried out according to plans and schedules. He oversees the work of the other officers and the Lodge members. He conducts the meetings according to the Lodge bylaws, and schedules regular officer meetings. He presides over all formal Lodge meetings, and represents his Lodge at Grand Lodge, district events, and at other Lodges. He remembers ill and shut-in brethren, member’s families, and widows.
Charles Carter, PM
Senior Warden

The jewel of his office is the level, an emblem of equality.
The Senior Warden assists the Worshipful Master in the management of the Lodge. He acts for the Master in his absence, while planning and developing programs for his own year as Worshipful Master. He must memorize Lodge opening and closing ritual and Degree work. Some Lodges require the Senior Warden to preside over one of the Degrees
Ian Austin
Junior Warden

The jewel of his office is the plumb, an emblem of uprightness.
The Junior Warden must memorize the Lodge opening and closing ritual, as well as the Degree ritual for his office. He may be asked to preside over one of the Degrees. He plans and superintends meals and refreshments of the Lodge, presiding at the Refreshment Table and may be asked to introduce guests at social events. He manages the activities of the Stewards during refreshments.
Jake Bainbridge

The jewel of his office is the crossed keys.
The Treasurer is in charge of all financial properties of the Lodge. He receives all Lodge money and keeps accurate financial records. He pays all Lodge bills as ordered by the Worshipful Master, and approved by the Lodge.
Charlie Mixon, PM

The jewel of his office is the crossed goose quills.
The Secretary records all proceedings of the Lodge, and submits official reports to the Grand Lodge Office. He receives all money due the Lodge, and turns it over to the Treasurer. He receives and disburses all Lodge correspondence and mail, while maintaining all official records of the Lodge.
Kenneth Delaet, PM
Senior Deacon

The jewel of his office is the Sun within the Square and Compasses.
The Senior Deacon conducts candidates during Degrees, and is required to memorize the Senior Deacon ritual work. He introduces and accommodates visitors to the Lodge, and carries orders from the Worshipful Master to the Senior Warden and to the Junior Warden, and elsewhere about the Lodge as directed. Lodge custom generally dictates what other ritual memorization is required.
Jay Foreman
Junior Deacon

The jewel of his office is the Quarter Moon within the Square and Compasses.
The Junior Deacon guards the inner door of the Lodge. He carries orders from the Senior Warden to the Junior Warden and elsewhere about the Lodge as directed. Lodge custom generally dictates what ritual memorization is expected.
Cameron McInvale
Senior Steward

The jewel of his office is the Cornucopia or the Horn of Plenty.
The Senior Steward is in charge of the service at the Refreshment Table, and recruits other Masons to assist with serving at the Refreshment Table. Lodge custom dictates what ritual memorization is expected.
Miguel Barreñada
Junior Steward

The jewel of his office is also the Cornucopia, or the Horn of Plenty.
The Junior Steward meets the candidates. He also serves the Refreshment Table. He recruits additional help as needed if the Senior Steward is involved in Degree work. He assists the Wardens in food preparation for Lodge social events. Lodge custom generally dictates what ritual memorization is expected.

The jewel of his office is the open volume of the Sacred Law.
The Chaplain is the spiritual guide of the Lodge. He says prayers for opening and closing of Lodge and at special functions (including funerals). He may also give an appropriate prayer for special events (members who are ill, or memorials). Lodge custom generally dictates what ritual memorization is expected.

The jewel of his office is the open volume of the Sacred Law.
The Chaplain is the spiritual guide of the Lodge. He says prayers for opening and closing of Lodge and at special functions (including funerals). He may also give an appropriate prayer for special events (members who are ill, or memorials). Lodge custom generally dictates what ritual memorization is expected.
Richard Agent, PM